Thank you for voting in our  Election!   We currently have 1 open spot with the the term ending in 2027 and 1 open spot with the term ending in 2025.

Below please find a list of our candidates. To read a little bit about each candidate click here.

Candidates running for General Board Positions with term ending in 2027

  • Owen Gechter
  • Shana Redkoles
  • Megan Robertson

Candidates running for General Board Positions with term ending in 2025

  • Ryan King


Voting will close at 9:00 PM on September 18, 2024 (48 hours after the conclusion of the Annual Meeting). You must be signed in to your MemberSplash account to access the ballot. Each fully bonded family is entitled to 1 ballot as they own 1 bond.

Please log in below and complete the Ballot!

Thank you for taking the time to vote!